Software Development Services

HLT Software enables enterprises to wow their customers at every touchpoint

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Software Development Services

Software Development Services

Software development services are aimed at designing, engineering, deploying, supporting, and evolving various software types. In IT since 1989, HLT Global develops quality software and offers related services – software consulting, cloud migration, app integration, and more. We serve mid and large enterprises and software product companies across multiple industries, including retail, financial services, manufacturing, healthcare, and others.

What Service Are You Looking For?

Choose your option and click the button below to jump straight to the detailed description of the service you are interested in.

Custom software development

We plan tailored software solutions for you to achieve operational excellence and deliver them fast and error-free.


Software product development

We help startups and ISVs envision selling SaaS, mobile and desktop products, launch MVP in 1-4 months and consistently grow it to a full-blown product with major releases every 2-4 weeks.


Development team augmentation

We can offer from 0.5 FTE to 150+ FTE resources to fill in specific skill gaps (developers and architects well-versed in back-end (Java, .NET, Python, Go, PHP, Node.js, etc.), front-end, and mobile (native iOS, Android; Xamarin, Cordova, React Native) development) or provide a self-managed team for your project or its part.


Software product development

We provide 24/7 support for your employees and customers, continuous software performance monitoring, proactive optimization and fast issue resolution, safely add new features and integrations, and more.


Software development outsourcing stats

> 50% of Fortune 500 companies outsource software development.

Software We Develop

Click the icons to be redirected to the dedicated offerings.

Web applications

Mobile apps

Cloud applications

SaaS products

Desktop applications


Why HLT Global?

Key company numbers

32 year

in IT

> 700

IT professionals on board

7-20 years

of average experience of our PMs, BAs, solution architects, developers, data analysts, and other IT professionals

> 3,000

success stories

> 30

industries covered

Our software development highlights

  • End-to-end software development – we envision, plan, design, develop, integrate, deploy, and support software solutions.
  • In-house project management office (PMO) – our PMs are experienced in large complex projects with distributed teams and multiple vendors involved.
  • Services built around strict agreed KPIs – business outcomes, quality of delivered software, code quality, development process
    efficiency, project time and costs (actual costs vs budget, budget to completion vs budget remaining, etc.), team’s productivity, and customer/user satisfaction.


  • Quality delivery at speed – an MVP/first working software version is ready in 1-2 months, major releases are every 2 weeks, daily minor releases.
  • ISO 9001 certified quality management.
  • Guaranteed security of the customers’ data we access proved by the ISO 27001 certificate.
  • Compliance with HIPAA, GAMP, PCI DSS, and other regulations.

Partnerships and recognitions

data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)8
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)7
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)6
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)5
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)4
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)3
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)2
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)1

Among our clients

data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)8
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)7
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)6
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)5
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)4
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)3
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)2
data analytics consulting (Our Competence and Achievements section)1

Software Development Steps: From Plan to Value

For enterprises

Click to see the details on how we plan and deliver software for enterprises.

For software product companies and startups

Click to see the details on how we plan and build software products.

Software Development Methodologies We Employ

Popular choice

Agile: the iterative approach with an emphasis on collaboration and continuous improvement. Software is developed in small portions and new features are delivered on a regular basis.

Software development is done in Sprints, 2-3-week iterations with identified granular goals and backlogs. The following practices are common: sprint planning meetings, daily stand-ups, sprint review (and demo), retrospective, backlog refinement (grooming).

Best for: any product development project with a need to test the idea, midsize projects in custom software development where software requirements cannot be accurately defined, incremental development of large complex software (which is easy to divide into small functional parts) to start getting value fast.

The work is done in very short Sprints, often daily. Daily (or once in 2 days) meetings are held to discuss progress and priorities. The team uses the Kanban Board that provides a clear representation of all project activities, responsible persons, and progress.

Best for: software support and evolution projects.

Specific cases

Linear: the sequential approach in which the next chunk of work is done when the previous one is finished and approved by the stakeholders.


More details about pros and cons of each software development model are here.
Note: For many projects it makes sense to use a combination of approaches or switch from one to another depending on the project stage. In our practice, the most common scenarios are ‘Waterfall -> Scrum’, ‘Scrum -> Kanban -> Scrum’. Since switching to a new methodology entails new tools and new processes, a pre-switch intro meeting or mini-training should be conducted by the vendor to keep project running effectively from day one.

Software development is done in Sprints, 2-3-week iterations with identified granular goals and backlogs. The following practices are common: sprint planning meetings, daily stand-ups, sprint review (and demo), retrospective, backlog refinement (grooming).

Best for: small and midsize projects with clearly defined and unchanging requirements, projects requiring formal approvals (governmental projects and projects for big corporations), projects with strict compliance requirements.

More details about pros and cons of each software development model are here.
Note: For many projects it makes sense to use a combination of approaches or switch from one to another depending on the project stage. In our practice, the most common scenarios are ‘Waterfall -> Scrum’, ‘Scrum -> Kanban -> Scrum’. Since switching to a new methodology entails new tools and new processes, a pre-switch intro meeting or mini-training should be conducted by the vendor to keep project running effectively from day one.

We Eagerly Put in Use IT Innovations

Click the cards to find the detailed description of our capabilities with each technology.

Big data

Artificial Intelligence

Data Science

Internet of Things

Computer Vision

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality


Technologies We Use

HLT Global works with the majority of popular modern techs and architecture patterns to make an optimal choice for your specific project in terms of development and support costs, application performance, security, portability and flexibility, and more. We’re also skilled in classical techs to support and optimize your legacy software. You’re welcome to click the icons and check our dedicated tech offerings.

Back end programming languages 1

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Front end programming languages

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.






Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.

Databases / data storages

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Cloud databases, warehouses and storage

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Big data

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.








Click on the platform to learn about our capabilities in it.

  • Traditional 3-layer architecture
  • Microservices-based architecture
  • Cloud-native architecture
  • PWA
  • Reactive architecture
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Various approaches to enterprise application integration

Retiring languages


For recoding your legacy applications:

  • PowerBuilder
  • Delphi
  • VB
  • C++

Software Types We Develop

Below you can find the most popular categories and types of software we deliver. Click the links to explore the dedicated pages.

Enterprise resource and process management

  • ERP, SCM (Supply Chain Management), PLM, PIM
  • Finance, accounting, budgeting, invoicing and billing
  • Document management, contract management, record management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Procurement, vendor portals, inventory management and optimization
  • HR and talent management, workforce scheduling, employee performance
  • Business intelligence

Digital channels to customers

  • Ecommerce
  • Customer portals
  • Advertising
  • Digital signage
  • Content management, DAM
  • Video streaming
  • Customer analytics

Industrial solutions

  • Smart factory
  • MES
  • Maintenance
  • Equipment monitoring, OEE
  • Quality management
  • Field service
  • Industrial analytics

Connected and smart solutions

  • Remote monitoring
  • Smart, connected products
  • Smart factory
  • Connected cars, fleet management
  • Smart transportation
  • Smart home


  • Image analysis
  • AVI, Defect recognition
  • AR/VR
  • Forecasting, predictions
  • Optimization
  • NLP
  • Chatbots

Knowledge and productivity

  • eLearning
  • Knowledge management
  • Personal productivity
  • Digital workplace
  • Employee monitoring

Emergency and security

  • Emergency response, incident management
  • Information security
  • Secure communicators and messengers
  • Secure videoconferencing
  • Video surveillance

Industry-specific software

  • Healthcare
  • Banking
  • Telecommunications
  • Insurance claim management
  • E-government

We Have a Track of Successful Projects in Various Industries

HLT Global delivers software for enterprises, software product companies and startups in 30 different industries with an eye on specific business needs and applicable industry trends. Click the icons to see our projects in the particular industry you’re interested in.






Oil and Gas


Logistics and Transportation

How We Ensure Quality

Quality controls:

at each stage of the development starting as early as functional requirement definition and architecture design. Quality management system certified by ISO 9001.

Code quality:

Code rules and guidelines

  • Style guide for the used programming language.
  • Commenting complex code parts.
  • Breaking up code into small logical units.
  • Documenting what code (as a whole) does and what its dependencies are in a final README doc.
  • Using version control.
  • Using source code management (SCM) systems.

Code review practices

  • Ad hoc review.
  • Peer review.
  • Walkthrough.
  • Inspection.

Code quality metrics

  • Maintainability index (MI).
  • Cyclomatic Complexity (CC).
  • Depth of Inheritance.
  • Class Coupling.

Why Customers Choose HLT Global?

Taking overall responsibility for the ‘how-to’ project part

  • Together, we define the goal you want to achieve:
    • Business goals (cost reduction, revenue increase, process time reduction, etc.).
    • Development process improvement (faster, higher-quality software delivery, more frequent releases, etc).
  • We plan and organize the project to achieve your goals and continuously compare the project plan and process against emerging needs.

Taking your budget limits seriously

  • Helping you accurately estimate resources.
  • Responsible usage of resources: using resources with lower rates for simple routine tasks, replacing resources with low performance.
  • Choosing programming languages and frameworks, architecture patterns, APIs, etc. based on a careful preliminary analysis of options. The development speed may differ 2 – 20 times.
  • Using cloud services (messaging services, analytics and AI services, image processing services, etc.) by well-established cloud providers, e.g., Azure and AWS.
  • Continuous feature prioritization.

Taking the deadlines seriously

  • Managing delivery time according to the set goals.
  • Promptly communicating delay risks.

Transparent service supported by regular reports

Monitoring and interpreting project progress.

  • Achievement of set team and project KPIs.
  • Use of resources (actual versus planned).
  • Current budget status in case of the T&M pricing model (actual versus planned, the actual costs incurred plus revised estimates).
  • Actual or potential problems.
  • Revised risk management strategy, acceptability of the risks.

Regular retrospections

Regular project roadmap revision (stated business needs vs current business needs; feasibility of requirements; value we bring vs the highest possible value).

Tailored communication with each stakeholder

  • Analyzing information needs of each stakeholder.
  • Discussing how best to communicate information (communication means, level of detail, frequency of updates, timing, etc.) to each stakeholder.
  • Regularly exchanging relevant project status information.
  • Presenting/discussing next actions.

Our approach to collaboration:

Pricing Options for Our Services

Fixed price

Best for: Feasibility study, PoC, small software development projects with clear and stable requirements.

You pay the price established by a contract.

Time & Material, Time & Material with a cap

Best for: advisory activities (business analysis, architecture design, project planning, etc.), agile software development and implementation, evolution of existing software (introducing substantial changes or adding new functionality).

You receive the end-of-the-month invoice based on the hours or efforts reported per month (under the stated upper limit in case of T&M with a cap).

Per-ticket pricing

Best for: L1, L2 application support.

At the start of cooperation, we define the ticket cost, and you get charged based on the volume of incidents we resolve monthly.

Fixed monthly fee

Best for: L3 application support (in-code defect fixes, functional changes).

At the start of cooperation, we define the hourly rate for app support activities. After the service is delivered, you pay for a bunch of hours during which we’ve been providing application support.

Selected Projects

Big Data Implementation for Advertising Channel Analysis in 10+ Countries

Migration to a new analytical system that HLT Global implemented helped one of the top market research companies secure an innovative big data solution based on Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive and Apache Spark frameworks. The new system was 100 times faster compared to the old one and could process 1,000 different data formats.


Development of IPTV & SVOD Apps and a Web-based Management System for a TV Industry Leader

A success story of a long-term partnership (over 5.5 years) which has brought the Customer to become one of the leading TV apps providers in the world. Created with HLT Global’s help, the company’s star product – hybrid mobile apps – now power T-Mobile, Orange and other telecom industry leaders.


Design and Development of the Viber Messenger with 1.17 Billion Users

An ambitious start-up commissioned HLT Global to create an instant messaging and VoIP app which now boasts over 1.17 billion active users across the globe.


BI Implementation for 200 Healthcare Centers

HLT Global created software to help 200 US healthcare centers and retirement homes to process patient and medication data. Solution consists of Java application for management and reporting along with an analytical data warehouse to consolidate information from 200 databases.


Development of an Azure-Based Software Product for vCIO Services Management

HLT Global built an Azure-based SaaS vCIO product and consistently delivered new features and updates to ensure a superior user experience for SaaS users.


Get Your Software Built and/or Supported by Experts

We are ready to:

  • Plan your new software that will bring you tangible business outcomes and have the optimal TCO.
  • Deliver your new software with reduced cycle time and high quality.
  • Support your existing software to keep it highly available, reliable, and relevant to the current and arising business needs.

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