SOA Consulting Services

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SOA Consulting Services

SOA Consulting Services | Aligned IT and Business Processes

SOA is a software architectural model of implementing independently deployable, reusable and interchangeable software modules (services) to improve the agility and efficiency of an enterprise. One enterprise system can make up one service or a set of services, each performing one elementary function.

At HLT Gloabl, we help our clients design, implement and support SOA to streamline their digital processes, make IT responsive to arising business needs and reduce IT TCO in the long run.

Experience in 30 industries

Healthcare, manufacturing, banking, retail, etc.

Expertise in multiple solution types

ERP, CRM, financial management and accounting, product life cycle management, equipment utilization, knowledge management, SCM, HER/EMR, HIS, practice management, analytics, emergency & security, smart connected products, etc.

Get Expert Help with SOA Implementation

HTL Global SOA consultants are ready to assist you in SOA implementation for different goals:

  • Simplified integration of applications within your organization.
  • Simplified software integration with systems of your customers, vendors or partners.
  • Improved speed and reliability of software changes and modifications.
  • Streamlined adjustment and configuration of business processes and activities.
  • Reduced costs of upgrades and new integrations.

SOA Consulting Deliverables You Get

Business process documentation

  • Detailed description and analysis of the current business processes and the underlying software ecosystem.
  • Detailed description of the new SOA-supported business processes.

Project planning documentation

  • A business case for SOA.
  • A SOA implementation project plan with schedules.
  • RACI matrix for an SOA implementation project.
  • A risk management plan for an SOA implementation project.
  • Business KPIs (e.g., improved order processing/delivery time, reduced transaction errors) and technical KPIs (e.g., time to implement new features/changes, average time to new service development, number of services used, service re-usability) for an SOA implementation project.

Technical documentation

  • SOA-based system requirements specification.
  • SOA-based system architecture design.
  • SOA-based system configuration guides.
  • SOA governance model.

Development documentation

  • Documented code with unit tests.
  • API descriptions.

QA documentation

  • Test plan, including a test strategy, a testing scope, the types and level of tests, reporting procedures, etc.
  • Test cases and checklists.
  • Automated tests scripts (API and UI tests).
  • Test reports.

Why Choose HLT Global for SOA Consulting

  • 22 years in enterprise web development.
  • 9 years of cloud consulting and development of complex applications.
  • 32 years in data analytics, 16 years of data warehousing and BI expertise.
  • Integration and database architects with 7-20 years of experience.
  • Full-scale Project Management Office (PMO) to handle projects of any complexity.
  • DevOps engineers skilled to provide all necessary automation for successful SOA.
  • Ability to comply with HIPAA, GAMP, PCI DSS, and other regulations.
  • A competent security testing team including Certified Ethical Hackers.

Our Tech Portfolio for SOA Consulting

Back end programming languages 1

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Front end programming languages

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Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.

Databases / data storages

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Cloud databases, warehouses and storage

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Big data

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Click on the platform to learn about our capabilities in it.

  • Traditional 3-layer architecture
  • Microservices-based architecture
  • Cloud-native architecture
  • PWA
  • Reactive architecture
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Various approaches to enterprise application integration

Retiring languages


For recoding your legacy applications:

  • PowerBuilder
  • Delphi
  • VB
  • C++

Let Our Software Consulting Work Speak for Itself

Our Software Development Consulting Offer Includes

SOA advisory

  • Analyzing SOA drivers, current workflow inefficiencies, application ecosystem and its transformation capabilities, and more.
  • Designing new business processes and workflows and detailing SOA requirements (including modernization requirements for legacy apps, security and compliance requirements, and more).
  • Creating a business case and assessing SOA implementation feasibility.
  • Planning the SOA implementation process (including project roles and responsibilities, KPIs, cost optimization).

End-to-end SOA implementation

HLT Global cross-functional teams of senior IT experts can perform full-cycle SOA implementation with minimal or no guidance from your side:

  • Service design, implementation and integration. API development.
  • Development of new services from scratch (if required).
  • Migration, re-engineering, re-architecting of the to-be-integrated applications and systems (if required).
  • Integration testing at system and component levels.
  • Services configuration and deployment.
  • User and admin training.

Continuous SOA Support

  • KPI-based maintenance, monitoring and management of the SOA ecosystem.
  • SOA system optimization and extending.

Learn SOA Implementation Cost Before the Big Leap!

HLT Global’s consultants can help you understand the costs of SOA transformation and prepare a cost optimization plan for SOA implementation and maintenance.

Gain a Competitive Edge for Your Business with SOA!

After successful SOA transformation, businesses report to achieve:

Up to 20%

increase in business processes efficiency due to simplified process automation.


decrease of operational IT costs due to services re-use and technology unification.

Up to 30%

reduced costs and time for future integrations and business processes reconfiguration due to service independence and communication standardization between business services.

Go for Efficient SOA Transformation!

HLT Global’s team:

  • Carries out iterative SOA implementation to reduce risks and help you generate business value early.
  • Provides regular reports on project status and progress.