Feasibility Study in Software Development

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Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study in Software Development

feasibility study in software engineering is a rigorous evaluation of the profitability and viability of a software development initiative. An IT consulting company with 32-year expertise, ScienceSoft helps businesses understand whether a new software project is worth their time and money.

Not Sure in Technical and Economic Viability of a Software Development Initiative?

Whether you consider implementing an entirely new solution or upgrading your current software, ScienceSoft can conduct a feasibility study and help you answer two pressing questions:

  • Will my business benefit from new software engineering engagement?
  • Which implementation scenario can bring the max benefit?

What You Get with a Feasibility Study

We analyse your business needs, stated goals and current business processes to provide you with a feasibility study report. Our report contains:

Several Defined Software Solution Alternatives

with rated strengths and weaknesses for each suggested variation.

Solution recommendation

with clear justification.

Suggested tech stack and architecture design

for a selected solution with a view to software’s high performance, availability, usability, reliability, security & compliance, maintainability, portability and optimal costs of ownership (TCO).

A business case

developed for a recommended solution, including ROI estimation and risk analysis.

A high-level project management and implementation scenario

for a recommended solution to reach the project goals holistically.

Additionally, you can opt for a small proof-of-concept (PoC) to test and verify the chosen technologies. ScienceSoft delivers a PoC in 2-3 weeks.

Why HLT Global

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  • 32 years in end-to-end software engineering.
  • Over 3,000 successful projects.
  • IT consultants with 10-20 years of hands-on experience in their expert fields.
  • 700 full-time employees onboard, including certified IT consultants, BAs, technical architects, and QA consultants.
  • Recognized tech leader by BBB (rating: A+), Forrester, and Clutch.co.
  • Profound experience in big data, IoT, AI/machine learning, blockchain, image analysis:
    • Data analytics services since 1989.
    • Big data consulting services since 2013.
    • IoT consulting services since 2011
  • 5 Gold Microsoft Competencies, AWS Select Consulting Partner, IBM Silver Business Partner, Oracle Partner, Premier ServiceNow Partner, Magento Solution Partner, Salesforce Registered Consulting Partner.
  • Mature quality management system confirmed by the ISO 9001 certification allowing to implement projects that fully meet our customers’ quality, time, and budget expectations.
  • Guaranteed security of the customers’ data we access proved by ISO 27001 certificate.

Our Approach to Conducting a Feasibility Study

Grounded estimates

We provide you with a detailed feasibility report with a transparent rationale and all the supporting information attached.

Minimal disruption to your daily workflows and schedules

To minimize the interference with your processes, we:

  • Inform you in advance about the number of your engagement hours we will need.
  • Adjust our communication to your business hours and a preferred communication channel (email, voice/video calls).
  • Report on the progress regularly.

Choose Your Service Option

Exploration of software solution alternatives

  • You have an urging business need that can be solved with a software solution.
  • We analyze your needs, define available solution variants, and help choose an optimal one in terms of operational and economic feasibility.

Analysis of several shortlisted software solutions

  • You have a prepared list of comprehensively described software solutions but can’t choose the best one.
  • We help you decide on the optimal option in terms of technical feasibility and cost/benefit ratio.

Assessment of the pre-selected software solution

  • You have a detailed technical description of a pre-selected software solution.
  • We help you outline the project budget (for in-house and outsourced software development), identify development risks, and assess overall software profitability.

Determine the Value of Your Project

Through a viability and profitability analysis, ScienceSoft’s consultants can provide a detailed explanation of whether your software project is worth implementing. We’ll assess it in terms of economic, technical and operational feasibility and deliver a structured software development strategy outline to maximize the possible value.

Taking overall responsibility for the ‘how-to’ project part

  • Together, we define the goal you want to achieve:
    • Business goals (cost reduction, revenue increase, process time reduction, etc.).
    • Development process improvement (faster, higher-quality software delivery, more frequent releases, etc).
  • We plan and organize the project to achieve your goals and continuously compare the project plan and process against emerging needs.