Analytics Consulting Services

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Data Analytics Services

Analytics Consulting Services

Data analytics consulting services help derive valuable insights from data and turn them into a sustained competitive advantage.

Since 1989, HLT Global offers data analytics consulting services to help companies inform their decision-making, increase operational efficiency and grow their business.

Our Competence and Achievements

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  • 32 years of experience in data analytics and data science.
  • 16 years of consulting and hands-on practice in business intelligence.
  • 8 years of big data consulting and implementation practice.
  • Microsoft Gold Data Analytics and Data Platform competencies.
  • Partnerships with Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle and other tech leaders.
  • ISO 9001 and ISO 27001-certified to assure the quality of the data analytics consulting services and the security of the customers’ data.

Analytics Consulting Services We Render

Business intelligence consulting

Do you need to build BI from scratch or introduce changes into the existing BI solution? We render BI consulting services to help you nail any of these challenges.

For new implementations and revamps, our consultants:

  • Consolidate the departments’ scattered needs and recommend the BI solution’s design where data from multiple sources and various analytical systems is integrated, secure, accurate and reliable.
  • Create a detailed roadmap that covers all the steps required to launch a BI solution successfully.
  • Design a user adoption strategy and conduct user training to ensure that your employees are well aware of the available features and capabilities and can use the solution with confidence.

While improving your existing BI solution, we identify the evident and hidden problems that hinder your BI solution’s smooth performance and come up with the improvement roadmap containing structured recommendations on how to solve these problems.


Big data consulting

Need to make big data part of your existing analytics solution or design a standalone big data solution from scratch? Our big data consultants won’t let you get lost in the plethora of available architecture options and technologies.

For new implementations and revamps, our consultants:

  • We design a high-level architecture of your big data solution based on your business needs and prioritized requirements for the solution-to-be.
  • We clearly describe data sources, data flows and the functions that each architecture component should perform.
  • Our consultants conduct dedicated training sessions to help various target audiences, be it top managers or the technical team, to understand how to get value out of big data. Such training can take the format of workshops with Q&A sessions or instructor-led training.


Data science consulting

Want to strengthen your business with advanced analytics relying on machine learning? Our data science consultants check whether this idea is feasible with the data quantity and quality you have. We also prepare a proof of concept after having tested several machine learning algorithms.

If your business problem should be solved with deep learning, our consultants:

  • Design the architecture of a deep neural network.
  • Select appropriate activation, optimization and loss functions.
  • Train the network to ensure the high accuracy of its predictions.


When we first contacted HLT Global, we needed expert advice on the creation of the centralized analytical solution to achieve company-wide transparent analytics and reporting. After a series of interviews, HLT Global’s consultants analyzed our workloads, documentation, and the existing infrastructure and provided us with a clear project roadmap.

Heather Owen Nigl, Chief Financial Officer, Alta Resources

Selected Projects

Big Data Implementation for Advertising Channel Analysis in 10+ Countries

Migration to a new analytical system that HLT Global implemented helped one of the top market research companies secure an innovative big data solution based on Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive and Apache Spark frameworks. The new system was 100 times faster compared to the old one and could process 1,000 different data formats.


BI Implementation for 200 Healthcare Centers

HLT Global created software to help 200 US healthcare centers and retirement homes to process patient and medication data. Solution consists of Java application for management and reporting along with an analytical data warehouse to consolidate information from 200 databases.


Development of a Big Data Solution for IoT Pet Trackers

To support a long-term customer in a new service launch, HLT Global delivered a scalable IoT data management solution that allowed processing 30,000+ events per second from 1 million devices.


Implementation of a Data Analytics Platform for a Telecom Company

HLT Global’s big data consulting team developed a data analytics platform for a Texas-based telecom company. A technology stack with Apache Kafka and Amazon Redshift at the core enabled insightful regular and ad-hoc reporting, as well as forecasting.


BI Consulting for a Diversified Company with 30+ Businesses

HLT Global has suggested an architecture and a technology stack for a conglomerate to get insights from the data generated by all of their 30+ previously disconnected businesses.


Build Informed Decisions with Our Analytics Consulting Services

Our analytics consultants are ready to share professional advice to help you achieve success in your business intelligence, big data or data science initiatives.