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HLT’s experience as a healthcare software development company, creating customized solutions for Electronic Health Records, data analytics, and AI-based reporting, has revolutionized connected healthcare. By offering end-to-end implementation & training support for best-in-breed digital products, we have carved a niche as ‘the experts that care’.

Healthcare & HLT

Innovative IT and data analytics have demonstrated increased value in the healthcare sector. Healthcare IT solutions simplify workflows right from patient care to infrastructure and analytics to optimize operations and costs even during uncertainties.

HLT is leading the way in next-generation healthcare software solutions and expertise that is committed to helping healthcare organizations and their employees deliver value-based patient care through automation & data-driven intelligence.

Custom EMR/EHR Solution

Building and Configuring Interoperable EMR / EHR Solutions

HLT takes patient-doctor interactions to the next level with custom EHR software development. We can build such a highly customized solution for quality monitoring of patient services and support seamless healthcare.

We address the underlying operational challenges of the healthcare sector while improving scalability, efficiency, and data reporting capabilities through highly-experienced EMR solution development.

Some of the major features of our customizable solutions include,

Comprehensive patient & doctor portal

Comprehensive patient & doctor portal

Lab, clinic & hospital management

Lab, clinic & hospital management

Billing systems

Billing systems



Detailed reporting & visualization

Detailed reporting & visualization

Integration of HIPAA & other regulatory compliance

Integration of HIPAA & other regulatory compliance

Healthcare Survey & Assessment Solution

Healthcare Survey & Assessment Solution to Assess Patient Experiences Across Facilities

As a healthcare application development company, we implement healthcare survey applications that help assess care coordination, patient experience, and the quality of clinical workflow.

Our expertise in building AI-based survey & assessment solutions let organizations achieve high customer satisfaction with features including but not limited to,

Personalized question bank

Personalized question bank

Multi-language notification & alerts

Multi-language notification & alerts

Real-time data collection & reporting

Real-time data collection & reporting

Cross-device app

Cross-device app

Email & Text message integration

Email & Text message integration

Admin portal for response management

Admin portal for response management

Online Pharmacy & Drug Supply Chain Management Solution

Accelerating Inventory Efficiency and Convenience through Medicine Delivery App Development

Through Blockchain-based data management, we automate pharmacy distribution models and validation processes.

A comprehensive online pharmacy application development & medicine distribution solution simplifies the interactions between online pharmacies, patients, and healthcare organizations and enables them to share patient records, verify transactions, and facilitate secured payments. The top solution features include,

Pharmacy database & location detection

Pharmacy database & location detection

Integration with hospital & clinics system

Integration with hospital & clinics system

Prescription upload & real-time duplication detection

Prescription upload & real-time duplication detection

Medicine recall alerts to patients

Medicine recall alerts to patients

Online payment

Online payment

Role-based access control

Role-based access control

Homecare Services Platform

A Healthcare Solution that Revolutionizes Supportive Care at Your Doorstep

HLT’s expertise in developing a Homecare portal solution simplifies safe & sanitized homecare, care contract generation, and payment & fee structure management to render higher ROI. Our feature-rich healthcare application facilitates checking symptoms, examining lab results, receiving comorbidity condition alerts, and pre-emptive care. The highlighting features of the solution are,

Chatbot integration

Chatbot integration

Cross-platform app (for both carer & patient)

Cross-platform app (for both carer & patient)

Carer shift management

Carer shift management

Payment gateway integrations

Payment gateway integrations

Carer authentication / KYC

Carer authentication / KYC

Carer-Patient contract builder

Carer-Patient contract builder

Telemedicine Solution

Improved Patient Engagement through Virtual Healthcare Services

HLT’s integrated healthcare app development services encompass telemedicine software development creating the solution of the future that focuses on accessibility, security, and reliability in remote healthcare. Patient outreach to doctors/healthcare professionals, condition monitoring, prescriptions, and controlled examination are made cost-efficient thanks to our telemedicine app development that leverages audio and video mediums.

This highly-customizable solution hosts many features including,

VOIP integration

VOIP integration

Prescription management

Prescription management

Patient & Doctor record management

Patient & Doctor record management

External healthcare systems integration

External healthcare systems integration

Vitals data management

Vitals data management

Interactive care management

Interactive care management

Customizable SaaS-based

Are you on a mission to simplify and revolutionize modern-day patient care? HLT has all the answers to healthcare solutions development.

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