Custom Software Development

HLT Software enables enterprises to wow their customers at every touchpoint

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Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development Services

Custom software development is a way to get a competitive advantage in the market due to the superior functionality a custom solution provides. With 32 years in IT, HLT Global offers custom software development services to plan and deliver tailored quality software reliably and promptly.

Types of Custom Software We Deliver

Corporate & Interorganizational Software Systems

We build software that automates enterprise-wide processes and covers interdepartmental information flows, and may also include transactions with customers, vendors and partners.

Examples: ERP, operations management software, SCM, EAM, MES, POS, claims processing software, HCM/HRM.

Departmental Software

We build software with features that are unmet by mass-market commercial or free software to cover the needs of a particular department within your organization.

Examples: CRM, inventory management, financial management software, RIS, PACS.

Software for a Specific Business Function

We build software that fully covers business-unique and industry-specific functions, thus it doesn’t need time-consuming and complicated customization as is the case with market-available software products.

Examples: price management software, clinical decision support app, specialized accounting/treasury management software, invoicing and billing software.

Customer Self-service Apps

We build applications that help your organization deliver tailored customer experiences to win the market competition.

Examples: mobile banking apps, patient portals, shopping apps.

Corporate Applications We Develop


  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Supply chain management (SCM)
  • Operations management software
  • Business process management
  • Enterprise asset management (EAM)
  • Human resource management (HRM) / human capital management (HCM)
  • Business intelligence (BI) systems


  • Manufacturing execution system (MES)
  • Product life-cycle management (PLM) software
  • Connected vehicle system
  • Procurement platforms
  • Spare parts management system
  • Inventory management software


  • Electronic health records (EHR) systems / Electronic medical records (EMR) systems
  • Healthcare revenue cycle management
  • Tax invoicing system


  • Ecommerce solutions
  • Point of sale (POS) software

Other industries

  • Insurance: Claims processing software
  • Professional services: Income tax calculation systems, talent acquisition workflow management
  • Telecoms: Billing systems
  • Aviation: Ramp resource management software

Our Recent Project: Operations Management Software for a Manufacturer of Phyto-Based Pharmaceuticals

In brief

  • We built customer registration and customer document (prescriptions, insurance, etc.) management software, integrated them with each other and an ecommerce solution to replace paper-based registration processing.
  • We built an order management system and integrated it with the ecommerce solution to centralize order, sales, and supply information.
  • We built and integrated a warehouse management tool to automate the control over available medicinal plants.


  • Significantly reduced manual effort for document collection and processing.
  • Less additional resources required to manage customer data while it amasses.
  • Significantly reduced order fulfillment delays and errors.
  • More efficient decision-making due to the ability to track the supply and plan the manufacture accurately.


Departmental Software We Develop

Enterprise resource & process management

  • Project & task management
  • Resource & workload management
  • HR and talent management
  • Sales & marketing automation
  • Risk management
  • Compliance management
  • Document management

Customer-centered software

Financial management & accounting

  • Budgeting and planning
  • Invoicing and billing
  • Cash management
  • Revenue management
  • Expense management
  • Financial audit
  • Bookkeeping

Knowledge & productivity

  • Learning & training systems
  • Knowledge management
  • Personal productivity & digital workplace
  • Employee monitoring
  • Content management & DAM
  • Collaboration & intranets

Supply chain management

  • Inventory management and optimization
  • Order management
  • Warehouse management
  • Vendor management
  • Delivery management


Emergency & security

  • Emergency response, incident management
  • Information security
  • Secure communicators and messengers
  • Secure videoconferencing
  • Video surveillance

Connected and smart

Their [HLT Global’s] work will help us achieve a higher level of communication with our diverse workforce by creating a repository of information, communication and event management tools. We have already seen an increase in event participation and use of the tools built into the site which allow the employees to have a greater part in self-managing their needs.

Denise Yarian, People and Culture Manager, Autosoft

Our Projects by Industries





Oil and Gas


Logistics and Transportation


Professional Services

Marketing and Advertising

Public Services

Types of Custom Software We Deliver

Software Consulting

Our subject-matter experts will assess your needs and come up with possible custom software solutions. They’ll advise on techs and architecture design, as well as provide a rough estimation of time and costs.

End-to-end Software Development

We will support you through the full software development cycle – from initial needs analysis and requirement engineering to the implementation and adoption of the new software solution.

Legacy Software Modernization

To help you get more agility and efficiency, we can re-code or re-architect your legacy solutions with modern techs and architectural patterns, migrate them to the cloud, extend their reach and functionality, and more.

Why Develop with HLT Global

  • Custom software development company with 32 years of experience.
  • Full-cycle software development.
  • Over 700 employees on board, and the partner network of 5 companies with 700 employees.
  • Over 3,000 success stories (including projects for Walmart, eBay, NASA JPL, PerkinElmer, Baxter, IBM, Orange, BBC, MTV).
  • 76% of the revenue comes from 1+ year-long customers.
  • 9 Microsoft Gold Competencies and Silver Oracle partnership competencies; Microsoft Cloud Computing Partner Program member and AWS Select Consulting Partner.
  • Custom software development company with 32 years of experience.
  • Full-cycle software development.
  • Over 700 employees on board, and the partner network of 5 companies with 700 employees.
  • Over 3,000 success stories (including projects for Walmart, eBay, NASA JPL, PerkinElmer, Baxter, IBM, Orange, BBC, MTV).
  • 76% of the revenue comes from 1+ year-long customers.
  • 9 Microsoft Gold Competencies and Silver Oracle partnership competencies; Microsoft Cloud Computing Partner Program member and AWS Select Consulting Partner.

Our first project with HLT Global involved development of custom trade promotion solution. The task was accomplished in a highly productive and efficient way, and marked the start of successful and mutually beneficial cooperation between Leo Burnett and HLT Global. We appreciate their proactive approach and ability to suggest improvements to a prospective solution on both architectural and business levels.

Mikhail Anfimau, Senior Solution Architect, Leo Burnett Worldwide

Advantages and disadvantages of custom software development

Our Hallmark Custom Application Development Projects

Cost of Custom Software Development

The cost of custom software development depends on your project’s scale and complexity shaped by multiple factors, such as:

  • Software type and a number of platforms supported (web, mobile, desktop).
  • Number and complexity of software features.
  • Custom software design uniqueness and complexity.
  • Number and complexity of integrations with other software systems.
  • Infrastructure requirements (availability, performance, security, latent capacity and scalability).

We will be pleased to provide an estimate for your project.

Custom vs off-the-shelf software: What’s the difference?

We Help Our Customers to Innovat

We employ our hands-on experience in cutting-edge technologies to help our customers get the most of modern tech capabilities and stay ahead of the competition.

Big Data

Artificial Intelligence

Data Science

Internet of Things

Computer Vision

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality


Our Technology Stack

We draw up regular reports on the status and progress of our consulting cooperation, which are based on KPIs defined together with you. Commonly, we include the following KPIs:

Back end programming languages 1

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Front end programming languages

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.






Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.


Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.

Databases / data storages

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Cloud databases, warehouses and storage

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.




Big data

Click on the technology to learn about our capabilities in it.








Click on the platform to learn about our capabilities in it.

  • Traditional 3-layer architecture
  • Microservices-based architecture
  • Cloud-native architecture
  • PWA
  • Reactive architecture
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Various approaches to enterprise application integration

Retiring languages


For recoding your legacy applications:

  • PowerBuilder
  • Delphi
  • VB
  • C++

Our Software Development Consulting Offer Includes

Software ideation

  • Eliciting and prioritizing your business pains, needs and goals
  • Preparing a software requirements specification
  • Delivering a prototype, an MVP

Why HLT Global?

  • Business and industry experts with 5-9 years of active work in the relevant field

Project design

  • Preparing a business case, including ROI/TCO calculation
  • Planning cost optimization and a ROI improvement strategy
  • Determining project duration and timelines
  • Preparing a risk mitigation plan

Why HLT Global?

  • In-house PMO
  • PMs with 7-15 years of experience

Ready to Become Your Long-Term Partner in All-Round Software Implementation

With a powerful mix of business consultants, industry experts, world-class IT talents, ScienceSoft is ready to bring advice, guidance and help at any stage of your software implementation project life cycle.

Let Our Software Consulting Work Speak for Itself

What Improvements Software Consulting Can Bring

Well-thought-out software project planning and implementation means:

1.5 times

faster feature delivery

Up to 30%

development and testing cost reduction

Up to 70%

fewer software defects

Go for a Well-Organized Project with Max ROI

Request our professional advice to back up your software development decisions.